Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Slumpy Blog Day

Good morning from my corner of the world. The sun has broken through morning fog. The rest of the Pacific Northwest is readying for a very hot day, but here on the Oregon coast, temps of 72 -94 are predicted. Guess who gets the 72. Yep. It's me. :) It could be a little warmer, but I really feel for those who are in the hot, hot, hot areas.

I'm sitting here.......typing a few words....looking out the window...typing again. Nothing could be more boring for posting to a blog than the generic weather notes. :)

Maybe tomorrow I'll come back with something interesting. I seem to be in a slush, slump, boggish place. :)

I'm thinking of you and checking your blogs. Nita


Wanda said...

Too bad my husband is not a "blogger" he's a weather fanatic!!! I would have been excited with your morning post!!!
I just love to come by no matter what's on the agenda for the day!!

Have a great one Nita...enjoy all your comments on mine.

sandy said...

I am also a weather fanatic Wanda and Nita. I follow earthquake info, weather related events...you name it...although I've tapered off a bit. I use to be able to tell you what state was having what type of weather...