Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I thought I'd come and let you know that I'm alive and well, and mostly in my right mind. :)

I was looking for something to post and found this. This is my granddaughter, Angel.

I'm still taking Paint Shop Pro tutorial lessons, and I'm to the place I have to create my own tutorial, explaining with instruction and screenshots. I don't have a problem with that, but staying to task is harder. I never write down, or remember, the steps I took or what effects I used to get the final image. Maybe tomorrow I can sit myself down, paper in hand, and make notes to create a simple tutorial. That will be my last lesson until September 1.


Anonymous said...

I like Angel and I like the frame. Interesting things you are learning.

Jane said...

Yup, that's Angel awright. ;)

I was wondering where you've been keeping yourself, but now I see it's been in the classroom with PSP. As Faye sez; you sure are learning interesting things. Now...all y'gotta do is remember how you did 'em!

sandy said...

Nice effects Nita... will look forward to your tutorial if you post it...

pentelho real said...

One step each time.
If necessary go back and try again, if a difrent thing apears it,s good. Try again