Saturday, July 14, 2007

Play with us?

I've been taken Paint Shop Pro lessons. I guess some of you know.

Anyway...I've been using layers and drop shadows, so decided to make these little guys (tubes) on different layers.

They looked like they would love to have someone come and play. Don't they look sort of sad and waiting?

Have a blessed day. I have company still, so won't be back in till Monday.


Wanda said...

Yes, I will come out and look so alive, we can dance, and laugh and have a cup of tea! Beary Beary Nice!!

sandy said...

Yeah!!! did good Nita..this is darling! You know more than I do on this program..I couldn't have done that..

Nita said...

Thanks, ladies.

Sandy, you could do this. It isn't hard at all.

sandy said...

Yeah but.....but....I can't follow can I come OVER to play....and then we can go on a photo shoot too! Let's take the whole gang and go shooting...