Saturday, September 8, 2007

Meanderings On A Saturday

Today is my grandson, Kaleb's, birthday. He is 7 this very day. His mom has planned a birthday party in the park, and rumor has it she's shopped for two days. She always overdoes, and always says she won't next year.
It's at two, so I'll spend time in the sunshine, maybe eat cake, and watch Kaleb open his presents.

Mine is just a black card from Walmart. My daughter went in with me and we bought a $40 gift card. Kaleb loves to shop, so this will suit him and help poor gramma and Aunt Kim out too. I hear that Ninja Turtles are back in style, but I'm not sure I trust myself to get the cool ones. I knew them all when my grandson, Kyle, was little. He's a big 21 now.

Well, my sister, Sue, is moving out. We both have been feeling this is the right time, and she's just been waiting for God to give her a nudge. He did in her heart and in circumstances. It's a good thing. We both need our own nest, our own space. I haven't lived in my house alone in a long time. Grandkids, Kyle, and then my son, Skeet. Then Angel, my grandaughter for awhile, and then my son, and then sister, Sue, and then my son and Sue. I'm ready to live large in this house and my need for alone space is part and parcel with the change of seasons.

We talked about a change of season in Sue's life too. She's had a lot of changes in the last year, but this is a good one. She's not running, she's making a choice and going in that direction. I know we've both enjoyed being together, and now truth is we'll both enjoy being apart. lol

I'm sitting looking at my hedge out the window. It's higher than it's ever been. It so needs to be cut back. My view from here is mostly nil. It costs money, and I have to budget everything, so the hedge waits. I'm just telling you this so I will be true to my title.

Daughter, Kim, just called. She's without a car today, so I'll go pick her up in a minute. She comes to visit every day. She sounded tired. Her little one plays and kicks all night, and sleeps during the day. lol She said she can't get comfortable. I remember those days. The last month was better, because you knew for sure you were getting somewhere and you'd get a baby in the end. haha Aren't babies wonderful? And I'll get two. Kim's is due around the first of December, and Angel is due in February.

Let's see.....I need a high chair, a play pen, and I need to shampoo the carpet before little feet and knees ever touch it. Do I need a bassinet? I guess the moms will take care of that. I guess I'd better get busy and stop meandering.

I love Saturdays. My day of doing nothing but meandering and partying.


sandy said...

I just loved reading this newsy post...

I know how you feel about the need for space...the need to live large I guess...

wonderful reading you tonight Nita..I'm way behind...just been too darn busy with grandkids...and I know you know all about that.


Anonymous said...

This is a nice post. Very much you... open and honest.

LIfe is always changing isn't it. I know I'll have a hard time when Christy and Raymers are living across the country. And I know I'll adapt..

Love you sis