Thursday, August 30, 2007

Another Beautiful Face 2

A Beautiful Fall Face

I like seeing the dahlias start blooming because it means that soon summer will begin to fade , FALL will come waltzing in, and trailing a bit behind, all the lovely colors of the season.

Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year. I appreciate that nature pulls back and inward, and most outward things in the plant world look like death, and are really sleep. Hidden things begin deep within the earth, silent and reverent in being and doing what God has designed them to do.

I believe we have the seasons in our lives as well. I know for sure I do. If I respect the spiritual season, bowing my will to follow my spirit into the place of replenishing and nurturing......silent and reverent....then a peace that is beyond understanding floods my soul. I am at peace with God and enter into His flow. What a wonderful place to rest. Jesus says that He will give us this peace in Himself. Resting in His peace is like Fall and Winter to me. I know it won't be forever....for seasons are not....but for now I'm entering into my inwardness and favorite time of the year.

So I've been in Spring and Summer.....maybe Summer far too long. :) I exist quite nicely in these seasons for awhile, but I LIVE, ABIDE, THRIVE in Fall and Winter.

.....and all this for a beautiful fall face.

1 comment:

sandy said...

Great sharing Nita...

I loved reading this.