Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sicky Boy Better

Rocko is feeling better now. I was quite concerned, but it was just a bug of some kind, I guess. The vet gave him something for his tummy, and Rocko fasted for two days. On the third day, I made some gruel and sort of forced him to take it. He looked at me in surprise, like he'd forgotten what food tasted like, and started licking the syringe. I gave him water, and fed him a little more and he was fine from then on.

This picture is how he spent most of this time. He found a good spot and covered himself with his blanket. I guess it made his stomach feel better. He layed like this most of one day.

It is so great to see this little guy all spunky again.


BJ said...

Glad that Rocko is feeling better! They are just like us. They can feel badly sometimes too! I wish I could just curl up in a chair with my blankie and cuddle!(ha-ha)

Anonymous said...

poor POOR Rocko. I'm glad hes feelng better too. Cally had a day where she just laid around sleeping all day but she was better after that day.

Rocko looks pretty comfy. :)